Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Version 2.1 Changelog (guzman 2018-05-05)
* Add SHA512 Hash
* Add backup PostFix
* Add backup Dovecot
* Add backup OpenDKIM
* Add backup SPF
* Add backup OpenDMARC
* Add backup Amavis
* Add backup SPAM Assassin
* Corrections in checkSqlAuth
* Corrections in checkRoutes
* Change --no-postfix to --postfix name
* Add dekay of 20 seg to autostart (gnome .desktop)
* Minor changes in stdout

Guzmán Castanedo Villalba 6 gadi atpakaļ

+ 73 - 10

@@ -6,22 +6,30 @@ Backup and download scripts to compress with:
 * XZ (LZMA2)
 * 7Z (LZMA)
-The backup script (**backup-server**) compress with 7z server info like:
+The backup script (**backup-server**) backup the following server configuration:
 * Web Sites (/var/www)
 * SQL Databases (MySQL or MariaDB)
-* HTTP Server Configuration (/etc/nginx)
-* Let's Encrypt Certificates (/etc/letsencrypt)
-* Mail Mailboxes (/var/mail)
+* HTTP Server Configuration (Nginx)
+* Let's Encrypt Certificates
 * Home Directory (/home)
-* GOGS Git Repository (/opt/gogs)
+* GOGS Git Repository
+* Mail Mailboxes (/var/mail)
+* Postfix MTA Configuration (SMTP mail server)
+* Dovecot MDA Configuration (POP3/IMAP server)
+* OpenDKIM Configuration (Anti email spoofing)
+* postfix-policyd-spf-python Configuration (Anti email spoofing)
+* OpenDMARC Configuration (Anti email spoofing)
+* Amavis Configuration (Antivirus)
+* SPAM Assasin (AntiSPAM)
 Also it's:
 * Autoremove old backups
 * Set backup dir
 * Encrypt backup (gpg2)
+* Create SHA512 Hash (to check integrity)
 ## Instalation
-`# curl "https://code.castanedo.es/guzman/backup-server/archive/2.0.tar.gz" | tar -xz`
+`# curl "https://code.castanedo.es/guzman/backup-server/archive/2.1.tar.gz" | tar -xz`
 `# cp ./backup-server/backup-server /usr/local/bin/backup-server`
@@ -42,8 +50,9 @@ Edit `/etc/cron.d/backup-server` to automatic backups as desired.
 ###### Backup Options:
 * `-p`, `--prefix name`: prefix for the name of the backup
-  * Default: backup-castanedo.es
-* `--no-postfix`: disable the postfi: the full name will be the prefix
+  * Default: backup-'hostname'
+* `--postfix name`: postfix for the name of the backup.
+  * To unset default postfix: `--postfix ""`
   * Default: prefix-yyyy-mm-dd(date)-XXXXXX(random)
 * `--no-remove`: no remove old files
   * Default: false
@@ -114,7 +123,56 @@ Edit `/etc/cron.d/backup-server` to automatic backups as desired.
 *	`--no-gogs`: disable gogs backup
   * Default: false
+###### Postfix Options:
+* `--postfix-dir dir`: set Postfix configuration directory to backup
+  * Default: /etc/postfix
+* `--no-postfix`: disable Postfix backup
+  * Default: false
+###### Dovecot Options:
+* `--dovecot-dir dir`: set Dovecot configuration directory to backup
+  * Default: /etc/dovecot
+* `--no-dovecot`: disable Dovecot backup
+  * Default: false
+###### OpenDKIM Options:
+* `--opendkim-conf file`: set OpenDKIM configuration file to backup
+  * Default: /etc/opendkim.conf
+* `--opendkim-default file`: set OpenDKIM socket configuration file to backup
+  * Default: /etc/default/opendkim
+* `--opendkim-keys dir`: set OpenDKIM keys dir to backup
+  * Default: /etc/dkimkeys
+* `--no-opendkim`: disable OpenDKIM backup
+  * Default: false
+###### SPF Options:
+* `--spf-dir dir`: set SPF configuration directory to backup
+  * Default: /etc/postfix-policyd-spf-python
+* `--no-spf`: disable SPF backup
+  * Default: false
+###### OpenDMARC Options:
+* `--opendmarc-conf file`: set OpenDMARC configuration file to backup
+  * Default: /etc/opendmarc.conf
+* `--opendmarc-default file`: set OpenDMARC socket configuration file to backup
+  * Default: /etc/default/opendmarc
+* `--no-opendmarc`: disable OpenDMARC backup
+  * Default: false
+###### Amavis Options:
+* `--amavis-dir dir`: set Amavis configuration directory to backup
+  * Default: /etc/amavis
+* `--no-amavis`: disable Amavis backup
+  * Default: false
+###### SPAM Assassin Options:
+* `--spamassassin-dir dir`: set SPAM Assassin configuration directory to backup
+  * Default: /etc/spamassasin
+* `--no-spamassassin`: disable SPAM Assassin backup
+  * Default: false
 ###### Other Options:
+* `--no-sha512`: not calculate SHA512 hash (to check integrity)
 * `-h`, `--help`: shows this message and exit
 ## Examples
@@ -124,7 +182,7 @@ Edit `/etc/cron.d/backup-server` to automatic backups as desired.
 * `backup-server -7 --7z-password 7zpass --sql-user root --sql-password toor /var/www/backup`
   * Make a backup in `/var/www/backup` compressed with 7Zip and encrypted (`backup-castanedo.es-2018-03-19-abcedf.7z`)
 * `backup-server -z --no-encryption --no-sql /var/backup`
-  * Make a backup in `/var/backup` compressed with Gzip and no encrypted (`/var/backup/backup-castanedo.es-2018-03-19-qwerty.tar.gz`)
+  * Make a backup in `/var/backup` compressed with GZip and not encrypted (`backup-castanedo.es-2018-03-19-qwerty.tar.gz`)
 ## Automatic Backups (Cron.d)
 It's possible to make backups automatic creating a cron.d task (`/etc/cron.d/backup-server`).
@@ -132,6 +190,11 @@ It's possible to make backups automatic creating a cron.d task (`/etc/cron.d/bac
 There are an [example](https://code.castanedo.es/guzman/backup-server/src/master/scripts/cron.d/backup-server) in `scripts` folder.
 ## Download scripts
-The download script (**download-backup-http**) download all the compressed files in a remote machine, via http/https Auth Basic Aunthentication.
+The download script (**download-backup-http**) download all the compressed files in a remote machine, via http/https (with Auth Basic Aunthentication).
 The download script (**download-backup-sftp**) download all the compressed files in a remote machine, via sftp (SSH File Transfer Protocol).
+### Autodownload
+To autodownload the backups from another machine there are multiple solutions.
+* Create autostart desktop file: to download backup when you login ([examples](https://code.castanedo.es/guzman/backup-server/src/master/scripts/autostart)).
+* Create a cron.d job: to download backups periodically.

+ 469 - 38

@@ -3,11 +3,18 @@
 #| Make backup of:                                                   |
 #|   -Web Pages (/var/www)                                           |
 #|   -SQL Databases (MySQL or MariaDB)                               |
-#|   -HTTP Server Configuration (/etc/nginx)                         |
-#|   -Let's Encrypt Certificates (/etc/letsencrypt)                  |
-#|   -Mail Mailboxes (/var/mail)                                     |
+#|   -HTTP Server Configuration (nginx)                              |
+#|   -Let's Encrypt Certificates                                     |
 #|   -Home Directory (/home)                                         |
-#|   -GOGS Git Repository (/opt/gogs)                                |
+#|   -GOGS Git Repository                                            |
+#|   -Mail Mailboxes (/var/mail)                                     |
+#|   -PostFix MTA Configuration (SMTP mail server)                   |
+#|   -Dovecot MDA Configuration (POP3/IMAP server)                   |
+#|   -OpenDKIM Configuration (Anti email Spoofing)                   |
+#|   -SPF Configuration (Anti email Spoofing)                        |
+#|   -OpenDMARC Configuration (Anti email Spoofing)                  |
+#|   -Amavis Configuration (Antivirus)                               |
+#|   -SPAM Assassin (AntiSPAM)                                       |
 #| Compressed with:                                                  |
 #|   -Gzip                                                           |
 #|   -Bzip2                                                          |
@@ -19,12 +26,12 @@
 #| HELP:  backup-server -h                                           |
 #|                                                                   |
 #| Guzmán Castanedo (guzman@castanedo.es)                            |
-#| Version 2.0 (March 2018)                                          |
+#| Version 2.1 (May 2018)                                            |
 #| Licence: GPL v3.0 -> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html |
 function usage {
-	printf "%s Version 2.0\n" $(basename $0)
+	printf "%s Version 2.1\n" $(basename $0)
 	printf "Usage: %s [options]... -z|-j|-J|-7 [backupdir]\n" $(basename $0)
 	printf "Make a encrypted backup of a server compressed with: \n"
 	printf "\t·Gzip (tar.gz or tar.gz.gpg)\n"
@@ -37,8 +44,9 @@ function usage {
 	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $backupDir
 	printf "Backup Options:\n"
 	printf "\t-p, --prefix name: prefix for the name of the backup\n"
-	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $backupPrefix
-	printf "\t--no-postfix: disable the postfi: the full name will be the prefix\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: backup-'hostname'(%s)\n" $backupPrefix
+	printf "\t--postfix name: postfix for the name of the backup.\n"
+	printf "\t\tTo unset default postfix: --postfix \"\"\n"
 	printf "\t\tDefault: prefix-yyyy-mm-dd(date)-XXXXXX(random)\n"
 	printf "\t--no-remove: no remove old files\n"
 	printf "\t\tDefault: false\n"
@@ -110,8 +118,69 @@ function usage {
 	printf "\t--no-gogs: disable gogs backup\n"
 	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noGogs
 	printf "\n"
+	printf "Postfix Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--postfix-dir dir: set Postfix configuration directory to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $postfixDir
+	printf "\t--no-postfix: disable Postfix backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noPostfix
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "Dovecot Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--dovecot-dir dir: set Dovecot configuration directory to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $dovecotDir
+	printf "\t--no-dovecot: disable Dovecot backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noDovecot
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "OpenDKIM Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--opendkim-conf file: set OpenDKIM configuration file to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $openDKIMConf
+	printf "\t--opendkim-default file: set OpenDKIM socket configuration file to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $openDKIMDefault
+	printf "\t--opendkim-keys dir: set OpenDKIM keys dir to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $openDKIMKeys
+	printf "\t--no-opendkim: disable OpenDKIM backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noOpenDKIM
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "SPF Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--spf-dir dir: set SPF configuration directory to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $spfDir
+	printf "\t--no-spf: disable SPF backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noSPF
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "OpenDMARC Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--opendmarc-conf file: set OpenDMARC configuration file to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $openDMARCConf
+	printf "\t--opendmarc-default file: set OpenDMARC socket configuration file to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $openDMARCDefault
+	printf "\t--no-opendmarc: disable OpenDMARC backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noOpenDMARC
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "Amavis Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--amavis-dir dir: set Amavis configuration directory to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $amavisDir
+	printf "\t--no-amavis: disable Amavis backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noAmavis
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "SPAM Assassin Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--spamassassin-dir dir: set SPAM Assassin configuration directory to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $spamAssassinDir
+	printf "\t--no-spamassassin: disable SPAM Assassin backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noSpamAssassin
+	printf "\n"
 	printf "Other Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--no-sha512: not calculate SHA512 hash (to check integrity)\n"
 	printf "\t-h, --help: shows this message and exit\n"
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "Examples:\n"
+	printf "\t·%s --xz -k ABCDEFG -p backup-example.com --no-sql /var/backup\n" $(basename $0)
+	printf "\t\tMake a backup in \"/var/backup\" compressed with XZ and encrypted with GPG2\n"
+	printf "\t\tPublic Key (\"backup-example.com-2018-03-19-a1b2c3.tar.xz.gpg\")\n"
+	printf "\t\tDisable SQL backup\n"
+	printf "\t·%s -7 --7z-password 7zpass --sql-user root --sql-password toor /var/www/backup\n" $(basename $0)
+	printf "\t\tMake a backup in \"/var/www/backup\" compressed with 7Zip and encrypted\n"
+	printf "\t\t(\"backup-'hostname'-2018-03-19-abcdef.7z\")\n"
+	printf "\t·%s -z --no-encryption --no-sql /var/backup\n" $(basename $0)
+	printf "\t\tMake a backup in \"/var/backup\" compressed with GZip and not encrypted\n"
+	printf "\t\t(\"backup-'hostname'-2018-03-19-qwerty.tar.gz\")\n"
 function makep7zip {
@@ -123,10 +192,10 @@ function makep7zip {
 	if [ $noEncryption = true ];then
-	printf "Backup File (7z):\t%s\n" $backupOutput
+	printf "Backup File:\t%s\n" $backupOutput
 	#Copy webpages code (except backup and main/public)
-	if [ $noWeb = false ] && [ -d $webDir ];then
+	if [ $noWeb = false ];then
 		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $webDir
 		tempfile=$(mktemp -t exclude-XXX)
 		echo "www/backup" > $tempfile
@@ -139,7 +208,7 @@ function makep7zip {
 	#Copy MySQL databases (mysqldump)
-	if [ $noSql = false ] && [ ! -z $mysqluser ] && [ ! -z $mysqlpass ] && [ -x "$(which mysql)" ] && [ -x "$(which mysqldump)" ]; then
+	if [ $noSql = false ]; then
 		list=$(mysql -u $mysqluser -p$mysqlpass -e "show DATABASES;")
 		#Parse databases expect information_schema & performance_schema
 		for database in $list; do
@@ -161,7 +230,7 @@ function makep7zip {
 	#Copy nginx configuration (sites-available)
-	if [ $noNginx = false ] && [ -d $nginxDir ];then
+	if [ $noNginx = false ];then
 		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $nginxDir
 		7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $nginxDir > /dev/null
 		if [ $? != 0 ];then
@@ -170,7 +239,7 @@ function makep7zip {
 	#Copy Email (this could be heavy in the future)
-	if [ $noMail = false ] && [ -d $mailDir ];then
+	if [ $noMail = false ];then
 		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $mailDir
 		7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $mailDir > /dev/null
 		#tar -c -zf - $mailDir | 7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput -simail.tar.gz > /dev/null
@@ -180,7 +249,7 @@ function makep7zip {
 	#Copy Certificates (LetsEncrypt)
-	if [ $noLetsencrypt = false ] && [ -d $letsencryptDir ];then
+	if [ $noLetsencrypt = false ];then
 		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $letsencryptDir
 		7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $letsEncryptDir > /dev/null
 		if [ $? != 0 ];then
@@ -189,7 +258,7 @@ function makep7zip {
 	#Copy /home
-	if [ $noHome = false ] && [ -d $homeDir ];then
+	if [ $noHome = false ];then
 		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $homeDir
 		7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $homeDir > /dev/null
 		if [ $? != 0 ];then
@@ -198,13 +267,111 @@ function makep7zip {
 	#Copy GOGS
-	if [ $noGogs = false ] && [ -d $gogsDir ];then
+	if [ $noGogs = false ];then
 		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $gogsDir
 		7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $gogsDir > /dev/null
 		if [ $? != 0 ];then
 			printf "WARNING:\tError copying GOGS Repository (Continue)\n"
+	#Copy Postfix
+	if [ $noPostfix = false ] && [ -d $postfixDir ];then
+		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $postfixDir
+		7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $postfixDir > /dev/null
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying Postfix configuration (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy Dovecot
+	if [ $noDovecot = false ];then
+		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $dovecotDir
+		7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $dovecotDir > /dev/null
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying Dovecot configuration (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy OpenDKIM
+	if [ $noOpenDKIM = false ];then
+		if [ -f $openDKIMConf ];then
+			printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $openDKIMConf
+			7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $openDKIMConf > /dev/null
+			if [ $? != 0 ];then
+				printf "WARNING:\tError copying OpenDKIM configuration (Continue)\n"
+			fi
+		else
+			printf "WARNING:\tFile %s not exist\n" $openDKIMConf
+		fi
+		if [ -f $openDKIMDefault ];then
+			printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $openDKIMDefault
+			7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $openDKIMDefault > /dev/null
+			if [ $? != 0 ];then
+				printf "WARNING:\tError copying OpenDKIM sockets configuration (Continue)\n"
+			fi
+		else
+			printf "WARNING:\tFile %s not exist\n" $openDKIMDefault
+		fi
+		if [ -d $openDKIMKeys ];then
+			printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $openDKIMKeys
+			7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $openDKIMKeys > /dev/null
+			if [ $? != 0 ];then
+				printf "WARNING:\tError copying OpenDKIM keys (Continue)\n"
+			fi
+		else
+			printf "WARNING:\tDir %s not exist\n" $openDKIMKeys
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy SPF
+	if [ $noSPF = false ];then
+		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $spfDir
+		7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $spfDir > /dev/null
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying Postfix configuration (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy OpenDMARC
+	if [ $noOpenDMARC = false ];then
+		if [ -f $openDMARCConf ];then
+			printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $openDMARCConf
+			7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $openDMARCConf > /dev/null
+			if [ $? != 0 ];then
+				printf "WARNING:\tError copying OpenDMARC configuration (Continue)\n"
+			fi
+		else
+			printf "WARNING:\tFile %s not exist\n" $openDMARCConf
+		fi
+		if [ -f $openDMARCDefault ];then
+			printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $openDMARCDefault
+			7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $openDMARCDefault > /dev/null
+			if [ $? != 0 ];then
+				printf "WARNING:\tError copying OpenDMARC sockets configuration (Continue)\n"
+			fi
+		else
+			printf "WARNING:\tFile %s not exist\n" $openDMARCDefault
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy Amavis
+	if [ $noAmavis = false ];then
+		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $amavisDir
+		7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $amavisDir > /dev/null
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying Amavis configuration (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy SPAMAssassin
+	if [ $noSpamAssassin = false ];then
+		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $spamAssassinDir
+		7z a -t7z -mx=9 $encrypt7z $backupOutput $spamAssassinDir > /dev/null
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying SPAM Assasin configuration (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
 function makeTar {
@@ -212,7 +379,7 @@ function makeTar {
 	printf "Backup File:\t%s\n" $backupOutput
 	#Copy webpages code (except backup and main/public)
-	if [ $noWeb = false ] && [ -d $webDir ];then
+	if [ $noWeb = false ];then
 		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $webDir
 		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $webDir) --exclude=www/backup --exclude=www/main/public $(basename $webDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
 		if [ $? != 0 ]; then
@@ -221,7 +388,7 @@ function makeTar {
 	#Copy MySQL databases (mysqldump)
-	if [ $noSql = false ] && [ ! -z $mysqluser ] && [ ! -z $mysqlpass ] && [ -x "$(which mysql)" ] && [ -x "$(which mysqldump)" ]; then
+	if [ $noSql = false ]; then
 		list=$(mysql -u $mysqluser -p$mysqlpass -e "show DATABASES;" 2> /dev/null)
 		mkdir /tmp/mysql
 		#Parse databases expect information_schema & performance_schema
@@ -251,7 +418,7 @@ function makeTar {
 	#Copy nginx configuration (sites-available)
-	if [ $noNginx = false ] && [ -d $nginxDir ];then
+	if [ $noNginx = false ];then
 		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $nginxDir
 		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $nginxDir) $(basename $nginxDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
 		if [ $? != 0 ];then
@@ -260,7 +427,7 @@ function makeTar {
 	#Copy Email (this could be heavy in the future)
-	if [ $noMail = false ] && [ -d $mailDir ];then
+	if [ $noMail = false ];then
 		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $mailDir
 		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $mailDir) $(basename $mailDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
 		if [ $? != 0 ];then
@@ -269,7 +436,7 @@ function makeTar {
 	#Copy Certificates (LetsEncrypt)
-	if [ $noLetsencrypt = false ] && [ -d $letsencryptDir ];then
+	if [ $noLetsencrypt = false ];then
 		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $letsencryptDir
 		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $letsencryptDir) $(basename $letsencryptDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
 		if [ $? != 0 ];then
@@ -278,7 +445,7 @@ function makeTar {
 	#Copy /home
-	if [ $noHome = false ] && [ -d $homeDir ];then
+	if [ $noHome = false ];then
 		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $homeDir
 		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $homeDir) $(basename $homeDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
 		if [ $? != 0 ];then
@@ -287,13 +454,111 @@ function makeTar {
 	#Copy GOGS
-	if [ $noGogs = false ] && [ -d $gogsDir ];then
-		printf "Adding:\t/opt/gogs\n"
+	if [ $noGogs = false ];then
+		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $gogsDir
 		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $gogsDir) $(basename $gogsDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
 		if [ $? != 0 ];then
 			printf "WARNING:\tError copying GOGS Repository (Continue)\n"
+	#Copy Postfix
+	if [ $noPostfix = false ] && [ -d $postfixDir ];then
+		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $postfixDir
+		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $postfixDir) $(basename $postfixDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying Postfix configuration (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy Dovecot
+	if [ $noDovecot = false ];then
+		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $dovecotDir
+		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $dovecotDir) $(basename $dovecotDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying Dovecot configuration (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy OpenDKIM
+	if [ $noOpenDKIM = false ];then
+		if [ -f $openDKIMConf ];then
+			printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $openDKIMConf
+			tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $openDKIMConf) $(basename $openDKIMConf) > /dev/null 2>&1
+			if [ $? != 0 ];then
+				printf "WARNING:\tError copying OpenDKIM configuration (Continue)\n"
+			fi
+		else
+			printf "WARNING:\tFile %s not exist\n" $openDKIMConf
+		fi
+		if [ -f $openDKIMDefault ];then
+			printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $openDKIMDefault
+			tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $(dirname $openDKIMDefault)) $(basename $(dirname $openDKIMDefault))/$(basename $openDKIMDefault) > /dev/null 2>&1
+			if [ $? != 0 ];then
+				printf "WARNING:\tError copying OpenDKIM sockets configuration (Continue)\n"
+			fi
+		else
+			printf "WARNING:\tFile %s not exist\n" $openDKIMDefault
+		fi
+		if [ -d $openDKIMKeys ];then
+			printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $openDKIMKeys
+			tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $openDKIMKeys) $(basename $openDKIMKeys) > /dev/null 2>&1
+			if [ $? != 0 ];then
+				printf "WARNING:\tError copying OpenDKIM keys (Continue)\n"
+			fi
+		else
+			printf "WARNING:\tDir %s not exist\n" $openDKIMKeys
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy SPF
+	if [ $noSPF = false ];then
+		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $spfDir
+		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $spfDir) $(basename $spfDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying Postfix configuration (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy OpenDMARC
+	if [ $noOpenDMARC = false ];then
+		if [ -f $openDMARCConf ];then
+			printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $openDMARCConf
+			tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $openDMARCConf) $(basename $openDMARCConf) > /dev/null 2>&1
+			if [ $? != 0 ];then
+				printf "WARNING:\tError copying OpenDMARC configuration (Continue)\n"
+			fi
+		else
+			printf "WARNING:\tFile %s not exist\n" $openDMARCConf
+		fi
+		if [ -f $openDMARCDefault ];then
+			printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $openDMARCDefault
+			tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $(dirname $openDMARCDefault)) $(basename $(dirname $openDMARCDefault))/$(basename $openDMARCDefault) > /dev/null 2>&1
+			if [ $? != 0 ];then
+				printf "WARNING:\tError copying OpenDMARC sockets configuration (Continue)\n"
+			fi
+		else
+			printf "WARNING:\tFile %s not exist\n" $openDMARCDefault
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy Amavis
+	if [ $noAmavis = false ];then
+		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $amavisDir
+		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $amavisDir) $(basename $amavisDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying Amavis configuration (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy SPAMAssassin
+	if [ $noSpamAssassin = false ];then
+		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $spamAssassinDir
+		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $spamAssassinDir) $(basename $spamAssassinDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying SPAM Assasin configuration (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
 function gzUnencrypted {
@@ -304,6 +569,7 @@ function gzUnencrypted {
 		exit 1
 	rm $tempOutput
+	printf " done\n"
 function gzEncrypted {
@@ -314,6 +580,7 @@ function gzEncrypted {
 		exit 1
 	rm $tempOutput
+	printf " done\n"
 function bz2Unencrypted {
@@ -324,6 +591,7 @@ function bz2Unencrypted {
 		exit 1
 	rm $tempOutput
+	printf " done\n"
 function bz2Encrypted {
@@ -334,6 +602,7 @@ function bz2Encrypted {
 		exit 1
 	rm $tempOutput
+	printf " done\n"
 function xzUnencrypted {
@@ -344,6 +613,7 @@ function xzUnencrypted {
 		exit 1
 	rm $tempOutput
+	printf " done\n"
 function xzEncrypted {
@@ -354,6 +624,24 @@ function xzEncrypted {
 		exit 1
 	rm $tempOutput
+	printf " done\n"
+function makeSHA512 {
+	if [ ! -x $(which sha512sum) ]; then
+		printf "WARNING:\tsha512sum not installed\n"
+		sha512=false
+	fi
+	if [ $sha512 = true ]; then
+		printf "Calculating checksum (SHA512)..."
+		cd $backupDir > /dev/null 2>&1
+		sha512sum -b $(basename $backupOutput) > $backupOutput.sha512
+		#Permissions
+		chown $user:$group $backupOutput.sha512
+		chmod $permisionMask $backupOutput.sha512
+		cd - > /dev/null 2>&1
+		printf " done\n"
+	fi
 function checkRoutes {
@@ -362,23 +650,66 @@ function checkRoutes {
 		exit 1
-	if [ ! -d $webDir ];then
+	if [ $noWeb = false ] && [ ! -d $webDir ];then
 		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $webDir
+		noWeb=true
-	if [ ! -d $nginxDir ];then
+	if [ $noNginx = false ] && [ ! -d $nginxDir ];then
 		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $nginxDir
+		noNginx=true
-	if [ ! -d $letsencryptDir ];then
+	if [ $noLetsencrypt = false ] && [ ! -d $letsencryptDir ];then
 		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $letsencryptDir
+		noLetsencrypt=true
-	if [ ! -d $mailDir ];then
+	if [ $noMail = false ] && [ ! -d $mailDir ];then
 		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $mailDir
+		noMail=true
-	if [ ! -d $homeDir ];then
+	if [ $noHome = false ] && [ ! -d $homeDir ];then
 		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $homeDir
+		noHome=true
-	if [ ! -d $gogsDir ];then
+	if [ $noGogs = false ] && [ ! -d $gogsDir ];then
 		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $gogsDir
+		noGogs=true
+	fi
+	if [ $noPostfix = false ] && [ ! -d $postfixDir ];then
+		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $postfixDir
+		noPostfix=true
+	fi
+	if [ $noDovecot = false ] && [ ! -d $dovecotDir ];then
+		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $dovecotDir
+		noDovecot=true
+	fi
+	# No noOpenDKIM=true, to make a parcial copy
+	if [ $noOpenDKIM = false ] && [ ! -f $openDKIMConf ];then
+		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $openDKIMConf
+	fi
+	if [ $noOpenDKIM = false ] && [ ! -f $openDKIMDefault ];then
+		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $openDKIMDefault
+	fi
+	if [ $noOpenDKIM = false ] && [ ! -d $openDKIMKeys ];then
+		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $openDKIMKeys
+	fi
+	if [ $noSPF = false ] && [ ! -d $spfDir ];then
+		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $spfDir
+		noSpf=true
+	fi
+	# No noOpenDMARC=true, to make a parcial copy
+	if [ $noOpenDMARC = false ] && [ ! -f $openDMARCConf ];then
+		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $openDMARCConf
+	fi
+	if [ $noOpenDMARC = false ] && [ ! -f $openDMARCDefault ];then
+		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $openDMARCDefault
+	fi
+	if [ $noAmavis = false ] && [ ! -d $amavisDir ];then
+		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $amavisDir
+		noAmavis=true
+	fi
+	if [ $noSpamAssassin = false ] && [ ! -d $spamAssassinDir ];then
+		printf "WARNING:\t%s don't exist (no backup)\n" $spamAssassinDir
+		noSpamAssassin=true
@@ -416,6 +747,10 @@ function checkMethod {
 function checkSqlAuth {
 	if [ $noSql = false ];then
+		if [ ! -x "$(which mysql)" ] || [ ! -x "$(which mysqldump)" ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tmysql or/and mysqldump Not installed\n"
+			noSql=true
+		fi
 		if [ -z $mysqluser ] || [ -z $mysqlpass ]; then
 			printf "WARNING:\tSQL User/Password not set: continue without SQL backup (type \"%s -h\" for help)\n" $(basename $0)
@@ -436,7 +771,7 @@ mysqlpass=""
 backupPostfix=-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")-$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 6 | head -n 1)
@@ -449,6 +784,16 @@ mailDir="/var/mail"
 #Control Variables
@@ -466,9 +811,17 @@ noMail=false
 #Parse args
-TEMP=$(getopt -q -o zjJ7p:u:g:k:h --longoptions gzip,bzip2,xz,7zip,prefix:,no-postfix,no-remove,remove-days:,user:,group:,permision-mask:,key-id:,no-encryption,7z-password:,web-dir:,no-web,no-sql,sql-user:,sql-password:,nginx-dir:,no-nginx,letsencrypt-dir:,no-letsencrypt,mail-dir:,no-mail,home-dir:,no-home,gogs-dir:,no-gogs,help --name $(basename $0) -- $@)
+TEMP=$(getopt -q -o zjJ7p:u:g:k:h --longoptions gzip,bzip2,xz,7zip,prefix:,postfix:,no-remove,remove-days:,user:,group:,permision-mask:,key-id:,no-encryption,7z-password:,web-dir:,no-web,no-sql,sql-user:,sql-password:,nginx-dir:,no-nginx,letsencrypt-dir:,no-letsencrypt,mail-dir:,no-mail,home-dir:,no-home,gogs-dir:,no-gogs,postfix-dir:,no-postfix,dovecot-dir:,no-dovecot,opendkim-conf:,opendkim-default:,opendkim-keys:,no-opendkim,spf-dir:,no-spf,opendmarc-conf:,opendmarc-default:,no-opendmarc,amavis-dir:,no-amavis,spamassassin-dir:,no-spamassassin,no-sha512,help --name $(basename $0) -- $@)
 eval set -- $TEMP
 unset TEMP
 while true; do
@@ -529,9 +882,9 @@ while true; do
 			shift 2
-		--no-postfix)
-			backupPostfix=""
-			shift
+		--postfix)
+			backupPostfix=$2
+			shift 2
@@ -642,6 +995,78 @@ while true; do
+		--postfix-dir)
+			postfixDir=$2
+			shift 2
+			;;
+		--no-postfix)
+			noPostfix=true
+			shift
+			;;
+		--dovecot-dir)
+			dovecotDir=$2
+			shift 2
+			;;
+		--no-dovecot)
+			noDovecot=true
+			shift
+			;;
+		--opendkim-conf)
+			openDKIMConf=$2
+			shift 2
+			;;
+		--opendkim-default)
+			openDKIMDefault=$2
+			shift 2
+			;;
+		--opendkim-keys)
+			openDKIMKeys=$2
+			shift 2
+			;;
+		--no-opendkim)
+			noOpenDKIM=true
+			shift
+			;;
+		--spf-dir)
+			spfDir=$2
+			shift 2
+			;;
+		--no-spf)
+			noSPF=true
+			shift
+			;;
+		--opendmarc-conf)
+			openDMARCConf=$2
+			shift 2
+			;;
+		--opendmarc-default)
+			openDMARCDefault=$2
+			shift 2
+			;;
+		--no-opendmarc)
+			noOpenDMARC=true
+			shift
+			;;
+		--amavis-dir)
+			amavisDir=$2
+			shift 2
+			;;
+		--no-amavis)
+			noAmavis=true
+			shift
+			;;
+		--spamassassin-dir)
+			spamAssassinDir=$2
+			shift 2
+			;;
+		--no-spamassassin)
+			noSpamAssassin=true
+			shift
+			;;
+		--no-sha512)
+			sha512=false
+			shift
+			;;
 			exit 0
@@ -719,22 +1144,28 @@ else
+#Make SHA512
+if [ $sha512 = true ]; then
+	makeSHA512
 chown $user:$group $backupOutput
 chmod $permisionMask $backupOutput
 #Remove files older than 15 days
 if [ $removeOld = true ];then
-	printf "\nEliminando backups antiguos (+15 dias)\n"
+	printf "Deletting old backups (+15 days)..."
 	find $backupDir -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -mtime +$deleteDays -type f -iname $backupPrefix*$ext -delete
 	if [ $? != 0 ];then
-		printf "WARNING:\tError eliminando backup's antiguos (%s dias)\n" $deleteDays
+		printf "\nWARNING:\tImposible to delete old backups (+%s days)\n" $deleteDays
+	printf " done\n"
 finalTime=$(date +"%s")
 printf "\n"
 echo "------------------------------------------------"
-printf "Backup completado con exito en %s segundos :)\n" $((finalTime-startTime))
+printf "Backup completed successfully in %s seconds :)\n" $((finalTime-startTime))
 echo "------------------------------------------------"

+ 2 - 2

@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true
-Comment=Download Backup Files from https://backup.castanedo.es
+Comment=Download Backup Files from https://example.com

+ 2 - 2

@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true
-Comment=Download Backup Files from sftp://backup.castanedo.es
+Comment=Download Backup Files from sftp://example.com