
Mayor changes. Adding support to:
-GPG2 encryption

-args parser

Guzmán Castanedo Villalba 7 年之前
共有 1 個文件被更改,包括 435 次插入100 次删除
  1. 435 100

+ 435 - 100

@@ -1,133 +1,468 @@
-#| Make backup of castanedo.es server compressed with 7Z and         |
-#| encrypted with $pass7z password.                                  |
-#| Help:                                                             |
-#|   -$mysqluser: admin user for MySQL.                              |
-#|   -$mysqlpass: admin password form MySQL (Caution: check read     |
-#|    permissions for this file, password save in plain text)        |
-#|   -$pass7z: password used for encrypting 7Z archive.              |
-#|   -$backupDir: directory where 7Z is saved, normally is a folder  |
-#|    served for a web server (with BasicAuth for more security).    |
-#|   -$backupName: 7Z archive name. Prefix-Date-6 alphanumeric       |
-#|    random digits.7z                                               |
-#|   -$deleteDays: remove 7Z archives older than this days.          |
+#| Make backup of castanedo.es server compressed with:               |
+#|   -Gzip                                                           |
+#|   -Bzip2                                                          |
+#|   -XZ                                                             |
+#|   -7zip                                                           |
+#| and encrypt it.                                                   |
 #|                                                                   |
 #| Guzmán Castanedo (guzman@castanedo.es)                            |
-#| March 2017                                                        |
+#| Version 1.9 (March 2018)                                          |
 #| Licence: GPL v3.0 -> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html |
-#Check things (root, 7z, mysql, ...)
+function usage {
+	printf "%s Version 1.9\n" $(basename $0)
+	printf "Usage: %s [options]... -z|-j|-J \n" $(basename $0)
+	printf "Make a encrypted backup of a server compressed with: \n"
+	printf "\t·Gzip (tar.gz or tar.gz.gpg)\n"
+	printf "\t·Bzip2 (tar.bz2 or tar.gz.gpg)\n"
+	printf "\t·XZ (tar.xz or tar.xz.gpg)\n"
+	printf "\t·7Z (7z)\n"
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "Backup Options:\n"
+	printf "\t-d, --directory dir: backup directory\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $backupDir
+	printf "\t-p, --prefix name: prefix for the name of the backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $backupPrefix
+	printf "\t--no-postfix: disable the postfi: the full name will be the prefix\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: prefix-yyyy-mm-dd(date)-XXXXXX(random)\n"
+	printf "\t--no-remove: no remove old files\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: false\n"
+	printf "\t--remove-days numbet: set number of days to considere a backup old\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $deleteDays
+	printf "\t-u, --user uid: name of the user owner of the backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $user
+	printf "\t-g, --group gid: name of the group owner of the backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $group
+	printf "\t--permision-mask number: octal mask to set accesss permision of the backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $permisionMask
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "Compression Options:\n"
+	printf "\t-z, --gzip: compress using gzip (tar.gz or tar.gz.gpg)\n"
+	printf "\t-j, --bzip2: compress using bzip2 (tar.bz2 or tar.bz2.gpg)\n"
+	printf "\t-J, --xz: compress using xz (tar.xz or tar.xz.gpg)\n"
+	printf "\t-7, --7zip: compress using 7z (7z)\n"
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "Encryption Options:\n"
+	printf "\t-k, --key-id ID: set gpg2 public key-id used for encryption\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $keyID
+	printf "\t--no-encryption: disable the encryption of the backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noEncryption
+	printf "\t--7z-password password: set password (ONLY for 7z)\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $pass7z
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "Web Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--web-dir dir: set web pages directory to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $webDir
+	printf "\t--no-web: disable backup of web pages\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noWeb
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "SQL Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--no-sql: disable MySQL/MAriaDB backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noSql
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "Nginx Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--nginx-dir dir: set nginx configuration directory to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $nginxDir
+	printf "\t--no-nginx: disable Nginx backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noNginx
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "Let's Encrypt Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--letsencrypt-dir dir: set Let's Encrypt configuration directory to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $letsencryptDir
+	printf "\t--no-letsencrypt: disable Let's Encrypt backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noLetsencrypt
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "Mail Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--mail-dir dir: set Mailboxes directory to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $mailDir
+	printf "\t\t--no-mail: disable mailboxes backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noMail
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "Home Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--home-dir dir: set home directories to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $homeDir
+	printf "\t--no-home: disable home directory backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noHome
+	printf "\n"
+	printf "GOGS Options:\n"
+	printf "\t--gogs-dir dir: set GOGS Repository to backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $gogsDir
+	printf "\t--no-gogs: disable gogs backup\n"
+	printf "\t\tDefault: %s\n" $noGogs
+	exit
+function makep7zip {
+	#Destination file
+	ext=".7z"
+	backupOutput=$backupOutput$ext
+	printf "Backup File (7z):\t%s\n" $backupOutput
+	#Copy webpages code (except backup and main/public)
+	if [ $noWeb = false ] && [ -d $webDir ];then
+		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $webDir
+		#cd /usr/share/nginx
+		tempfile=$(mktemp -t exclude-XXX)
+		echo "www/backup" > $tempfile
+		echo "www/main/public" >> $tempfile
+		7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput $webDir -x@$tempfile > /dev/null
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying web pages (Continue).\n"
+		fi
+		rm $tempfile
+	fi
+	#Copy MySQL databases (mysqldump)
+	if [ $noSql = false ] && [ -x "$(which mysql)" ] && [ -x "$(which mysqldump)" ]; then
+		list=$(mysql -u $mysqluser -p$mysqlpass -e "show DATABASES;")
+		#Parse databases expect information_schema & performance_schema
+		for database in $list; do
+			valid=true
+			for excep in Database information_schema performance_schema; do
+				if [ $database = $excep ]; then
+					valid=false
+					break
+				fi
+			done
+			if [ $valid = true ]; then
+				printf "Compressing MySQL database:\t%s\n" $database.sql
+				mysqldump -u $mysqluser -p$mysqlpass $database | 7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput -simysql/$database.sql > /dev/null
+				if [ $? != 0 ];then
+					printf "WARNING:\tError compressing database (%s) (Continue).\n" $database
+				fi
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	#Copy nginx configuration (sites-available)
+	if [ $noNginx = false ] && [ -d $nginxDir ];then
+		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $nginxDir
+		7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput $nginxDir > /dev/null
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying nginx configuration (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy Email (this could be heavy in the future)
+	if [ $noMail = false ] && [ -d $mailDir ];then
+		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $mailDir
+		7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput $mailDir > /dev/null
+		#tar -c -zf - $mailDir | 7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput -simail.tar.gz > /dev/null
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying mailboxes (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy Certificates (LetsEncrypt)
+	if [ $noLetsencrypt = false ] && [ -d $letsencryptDir ];then
+		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $letsencryptDir
+		7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput $letsEncryptDir > /dev/null
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying Let's Encrypt certificates (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy /home
+	if [ $noHome = false ] && [ -d $homeDir ];then
+		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $homeDir
+		7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput $homeDir > /dev/null
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying home dir (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy GOGS
+	if [ $noGogs = false ] && [ -d $gogsDir ];then
+		printf "Compressing:\t%s\n" $gogsDir
+		7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput $gogsDir > /dev/null
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying GOGS Repository (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+function makeTar {
+	#Destination file
+	printf "Backup File:\t%s\n" $backupOutput.tar.gz.gpg
+	#Copy webpages code (except backup and main/public)
+	if [ $noWeb = false ] && [ -d $webDir ];then
+		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $webDir
+		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $webDir) --exclude=www/backup --exclude=www/main/public $(basename $webDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
+		if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying web pages (Continue).\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy MySQL databases (mysqldump)
+	if [ $noSql = false ] && [ -x "$(which mysql)" ] && [ -x "$(which mysqldump)" ]; then
+		list=$(mysql -u $mysqluser -p$mysqlpass -e "show DATABASES;" 2> /dev/null)
+		mkdir /tmp/mysql
+		#Parse databases expect information_schema & performance_schema
+		for database in $list; do
+			valid=true
+			for excep in Database information_schema performance_schema; do
+				if [ $database = $excep ]; then
+					valid=false
+					break
+				fi
+			done
+			if [ $valid = true ]; then
+				printf "Adding MySQL database:\t%s\n" $database.sql
+				mysqldump -u $mysqluser -p$mysqlpass $database > /tmp/mysql/$database.sql 2> /dev/null
+				if [ $? != 0 ];then
+					printf "WARNING:\tError extracting database (%s) (Continue).\n" $database
+					continue
+				fi
+				tar -rf $tempOutput -C /tmp mysql/$database.sql > /dev/null 2>&1
+				if [ $? != 0 ];then
+					printf "WARNING:\tError adding to tar (%s) (Continue)\n"
+				fi
+				rm /tmp/mysql/$database.sql
+			fi
+		done
+		rmdir /tmp/mysql
+	fi
+	#Copy nginx configuration (sites-available)
+	if [ $noNginx = false ] && [ -d $nginxDir ];then
+		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $nginxDir
+		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $nginxDir) $(basename $nginxDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying nginx configuration (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy Email (this could be heavy in the future)
+	if [ $noMail = false ] && [ -d $mailDir ];then
+		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $mailDir
+		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $mailDir) $(basename $mailDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying mailboxes (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy Certificates (LetsEncrypt)
+	if [ $noLetsencrypt = false ] && [ -d $letsencryptDir ];then
+		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $letsencryptDir
+		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $letsencryptDir) $(basename $letsencryptDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying Let's Encrypt certificates (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy /home
+	if [ $noHome = false ] && [ -d $homeDir ];then
+		printf "Adding:\t%s\n" $homeDir
+		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $homeDir) $(basename $homeDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying home dir (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Copy GOGS
+	if [ $noGogs = false ] && [ -d $gogsDir ];then
+		printf "Adding:\t/opt/gogs\n"
+		tar -rf $tempOutput -C $(dirname $gogsDir) $(basename $gogsDir) > /dev/null 2>&1
+		if [ $? != 0 ];then
+			printf "WARNING:\tError copying GOGS Repository (Continue)\n"
+		fi
+	fi
+function gzUnencrypted {
+	ext=".tar.gz"
+	backupOutput=$backupOutput$ext
+	printf "Compressing (GZIP)... %s\n" $backupOutput
+	gzip -9 --stdout $tempOutput > $backupOutput
+	if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+		printf "ERROR:\tImpossible to compress (%s)\n" $backupOutput$ext
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm $tempOutput
+function gzEncrypted {
+	ext=".tar.gz.gpg"
+	backupOutput=$backupOutput$ext
+	printf "Compressing (GZIP) and encrypting... %s\n" $backupOutput
+	gzip -9 --stdout $tempOutput | gpg2 --no-batch --output $backupOutput --encrypt -r $keyID -
+	if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+		printf "ERROR:\tImpossible to compress (%s)\n" $backupOutput$ext
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm $tempOutput
+function bz2Unencrypted {
+	ext=".tar.bz2"
+	backupOutput=$backupOutput$ext
+	printf "Compressing (BZIP2)... %s\n" $backupOutput
+	bzip2 -9 --stdout $tempOutput > $backupOutput
+	if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+		printf "ERROR:\tImpossible to compress (%s)\n" $backupOutput$ext
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm $tempOutput
+function bz2Encrypted {
+	ext=".tar.bz2.gpg"
+	backupOutput=$backupOutput$ext
+	printf "Compressing (BZIP2) and encrypting... %s\n" $backupOutput
+	bzip2 -9 --stdout $tempOutput | gpg2 --no-batch --output $backupOutput --encrypt -r $keyID -
+	if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+		printf "ERROR:\tImpossible to compress (%s)\n" $backupOutput$ext
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm $tempOutput
+function xzUnencrypted {
+	ext=".tar.xz"
+	backupOutput=$backupOutput$ext
+	printf "Compressing (XZ)... %s\n" $backupOutput
+	xz -9 --stdout $tempOutput > $backupOutput
+	if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+		printf "ERROR:\tImpossible to compress (%s)\n" $backupOutput$ext
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm $tempOutput
+function xzEncrypted {
+	ext=".tar.xz.gpg"
+	backupOutput=$backupOutput$ext
+	printf "Compressing (XZ) and encrypting... %s\n" $backupOutput
+	xz -9 --stdout $tempOutput | gpg2 --no-batch --output $backupOutput --encrypt -r $keyID -
+	if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+		printf "ERROR:\tImpossible to compress (%s)\n" $backupOutput$ext
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm $tempOutput
+#Check root
 startTime=$(date +"%s")
 if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then
 	printf "ERROR:\tNeed to be root :O\n"
 	exit 1
-if [ ! -x "$(which 7z)" ]; then
-	printf "ERROR:\t7z Not Installed :O\n"
-	exit 1
-if [ ! -x "$(which mysql)" ]; then
-	printf "ERROR:\tMySQL Not Installed :O\n"
-	exit 1
-if [ ! -x "$(which mysqldump)" ]; then
-	printf "ERROR:\tMySQL Not Installed :O\n"
-	exit 1
-backupName=backup-castanedo.es-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")-$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 6 | head -n 1).7z
+backupName=$backupPrefix-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")-$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 6 | head -n 1)
-#Destination file
-printf "Archivo Backup:\t%s\n" $backupOutput
-#Copy webpages code (except backup and main/public)
-printf "Comprimiendo:\t/var/www\n"
-#cd /usr/share/nginx
-tempfile=$(mktemp -t exclude-XXX)
-echo "www/backup" > $tempfile
-echo "www/main/public" >> $tempfile
-7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput /var/www -x@$tempfile > /dev/null
-if [ $? != 0 ];then
-	printf "WARNING:\tError copiando paginas web (Ejecucion continua).\n"
-rm $tempfile
-#Copy MySQL databases (mysqldump)
-lista=$(mysql -u $mysqluser -p$mysqlpass -e "show DATABASES;")
-#Parse databases expect information_schema & performance_schema
-for database in $lista; do
-	valid=true
-	for excep in Database information_schema performance_schema; do
-		if [ $database = $excep ]; then
-			valid=false
-			break
-		fi
-	done
-	if [ $valid = true ]; then
-		printf "Comprimiendo MySQL database:\t%s\n" $database.sql
-		mysqldump -u $mysqluser -p$mysqlpass $database | 7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput -simysql/$database.sql > /dev/null
-		if [ $? != 0 ];then
-			printf "WARNING:\tError copiando database (%s) (Ejecucion continua).\n" $database
-		fi
-	fi
-#Copy nginx configuration (sites-available)
-printf "Comprimiendo:\t/etc/nginx/\n"
-7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput /etc/nginx > /dev/null
-if [ $? != 0 ];then
-	printf "WARNING:\tError copiando paginas web (Ejecucion continua).\n"
-#Copy Email (this could be heavy in the future)
-printf "Comprimiendo:\t%s\n" /var/mail
-#7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput /var/mail > /dev/null
-tar -c -zf - /var/mail | 7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput -simail.tar.gz > /dev/null
-if [ $? != 0 ];then
-	printf "WARNING:\tError copiando emails (Ejecucion continua).\n"
-#Copy Certificates (LetsEncrypt)
-printf "Comprimiendo:\t%s\n" /etc/letsencrypt
-7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput /etc/letsencrypt > /dev/null
-if [ $? != 0 ];then
-	printf "WARNING:\tError copiando certificados (Ejecucion continua).\n"
+#Parse args
-#Copy /home
-printf "Comprimiendo:\t%s\n" /home
-7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput /home > /dev/null
-if [ $? != 0 ];then
-	printf "WARNING:\tError copiando carpeta personal (Ejecucion continua).\n"
+#make tar file or 7z
+if [ $p7zipOn = true ];then
+	if [ ! -x $(which 7z) ];then
+		printf "ERROR:\tp7zip Not Installed\n"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	makep7zip
+	if [ ! -x $(which tar) ];then
+		printf "ERROR:\tTAR Not Installed\n"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	makeTar
-#Copy GOGS
-printf "Comprimiendo:\t%s\n" /opt/gogs
-7z a -t7z -mx=9 -p$pass7z -mhe $backupOutput /opt/gogs > /dev/null
-if [ $? != 0 ];then
-	printf "WARNING:\tError copiando GOGS (Ejecucion continua).\n"
+#Compression and encryption
+if [ $gzipOn = true ];then
+	if [ ! -x $(which gzip) ];then
+		printf "ERROR:\tGzip Not Installed\n"
+		rm $tempOutput
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	if [ $noEncryption = true ] || [ ! -x $(which gpg2) ];then
+		gzUnencrypted
+	else
+		gzEncrypted
+	fi
+elif [ $bzip2On = true ];then
+	if [ ! -x $(which bzip2) ];then
+		printf "ERROR:\tBzip2 Not Installed\n"
+		rm $tempOutput
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	if [ $noEncryption = true ] || [ ! -x $(which gpg2) ];then
+		bz2Unencrypted
+	else
+		bz2Encrypted
+	fi
+elif [ $xzOn = true ];then
+	if [ ! -x $(which xz) ];then
+		printf "ERROR:\tXZ Not Installed\n"
+		rm $tempOutput
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	if [ $noEncryption = true ] || [ ! -x $(which gpg2) ];then
+		xzUnencrypted
+	else
+		xzEncrypted
+	fi
+elif [ $p7zipOn = true ];then
+	#Nothing to do
+	printf "moo" > /dev/null
+	printf "ERROR:\tCompression method not set\n"
+	rm $tempOutput
+	exit 1
 chown $user:$group $backupOutput
-chmod 640 $backupOutput
+chmod $permisionMask $backupOutput
 #Remove files older than 15 days
-printf "Eliminando backups antiguos (+15 dias)\n"
-find $backupDir -mindepth 1 -mtime $deleteDays -type f -delete
-if [ $? != 0 ];then
-	printf "WARNING:\tError eliminando backup's antiguos (%s dias)\n" $deleteDays
+if [ $removeOld = true ];then
+	printf "Eliminando backups antiguos (+15 dias)\n"
+	find $backupDir -mindepth 1 -mtime +$deleteDays -type f -iname $backupPrefix*$ext -delete
+	if [ $? != 0 ];then
+		printf "WARNING:\tError eliminando backup's antiguos (%s dias)\n" $deleteDays
+	fi