Backup and download scripts to compress with 7z data for a debian server and download it to another machine.
7 年 前 | |
scripts | 7 年 前 | |
LICENSE | 7 年 前 | | | 7 年 前 | |
backup-server | 7 年 前 | |
download-backup-http | 7 年 前 | |
download-backup-sftp | 7 年 前 |
Backup and download scripts to compress with:
The backup script (backup-server) compress with 7z server info like:
Also it's:
# curl "" | tar -xz
# cp ./backup-server/backup-server /usr/local/bin/backup-server
# cp ./backup-server/scripts/cron.d/backup-server /etc/cron.d/backup-server
# rm -R ./backup-server
Edit /etc/cron.d/backup-server
to automatic backups as desired.
# backup-server [options]... -z|-j|-J|-7 [backupdir]
: argument to set to directory to save the backup
, --prefix name
: prefix for the name of the backup
: disable the postfi: the full name will be the prefix
: no remove old files
--remove-days number
: set number of days to considere a backup old
, --user uid
: name of the user owner of the backup
, --group gid
: name of the group owner of the backup
--permision-mask number
: octal mask to set accesss permision of the backup
, --gzip
: compress using gzip (tar.gz or tar.gz.gpg)-j
, --bzip2
: compress using bzip2 (tar.bz2 or tar.bz2.gpg)-J
, --xz
: compress using xz (tar.xz or tar.xz.gpg)-7
, --7zip
: compress using 7z (7z)-k
, --key-id ID
: set gpg2 public key-id used for encryption
: disable the encryption of the backup
--7z-password password
: set password (ONLY for 7z)
--web-dir dir
: set web pages directory to backup
: disable backup of web pages
: disable MySQL/MariaDB backup
--sql-user username
: set MySQL/MariaDB username
--sql-password password
: set MySQL/MariaDB password
--nginx-dir dir
: set nginx configuration directory to backup
: disable Nginx backup
--letsencrypt-dir dir
: set Let's Encrypt configuration directory to backup
: disable Let's Encrypt backup
--mail-dir dir
: set Mailboxes directory to backup
: disable mailboxes backup
--home-dir dir
: set home directories to backup
: disable home directory backup
--gogs-dir dir
: set GOGS Git Repository to backup
: disable gogs backup
, --help
: shows this message and exitbackup-server --xz -k ABCDEFG -p --no-sql /var/backup
compressed with XZ and encrypted with GPG2 Public Key (
)backup-server -7 --7z-password 7zpass --sql-user root --sql-password toor /var/www/backup
compressed with 7Zip and encrypted (
)backup-server -g --no-encryption --no-sql /var/backup
compressed with Gzip and no encrypted (/var/backup/
)It's possible to make backups automatic creating a cron.d task (/etc/cron.d/backup-server
There are an example in scripts
The download script (download-backup-http) download all the compressed files in a remote machine, via http/https Auth Basic Aunthentication.
The download script (download-backup-sftp) download all the compressed files in a remote machine, via sftp (SSH File Transfer Protocol).