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Cambios en el usage de la aplicacion.
Guzmán Castanedo Villalba 7 anni fa
1 ha cambiato i file con 10 aggiunte e 4 eliminazioni
  1. 10 4

+ 10 - 4

@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
-# cryfs-dropbox
+# cryfs-automount
 CryFS is a cryptographic software for Cloud storage, it allow make encrypted volumes and uploaded to Dropbox, Drive , etc. For more info: https://www.cryfs.org/
-This is a basic script to automount CryFS with Dropbox.
+This is a basic script to automount CryFS with various Dropbox's, Mega's, ... at the same time.
 It can mount existing volumes and also create new ones.
-It automount the volume at every user login (~/.config/autostart/cryfs-dropbox.desktop).
+It automount the volume at every user login (~/.config/autostart/cryfs-"name".desktop).
 It's has been tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa (probably it works with Debian/Ubuntu based distributions that use Gnome).
-* USAGE: cryfs-dropbox [OPTIONS]
+* USAGE: cryfs-dropbox [OPTIONS] name
+* NAME:
+    * Set the automount name (without spaces).
+    * It's usefull if you wanty to encrypt more than one file hosting service.
+    * This parameter is OBLIGATORY.
     * 	-b, --basedir basedir
         * 	Set the encrypted folder that Dropbox client are going to upload.
@@ -36,4 +40,6 @@ It's has been tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa (probably it wor
         * 	Default: 524288 (512 KB)
         * 	CryFS use by default 32KB, but a 17 GB volume can generate up to 400,000 files with this...
         * 	The Dropbox client get crazzy!
+* 	Installation:
+* 	Examples:
 * THANKS: to Sebastian Meßmer (https://github.com/smessmer) who made CryFS.